The international project I-CARE-SMART is part of the trend to foster active living and targeted products and services for older people.

I-CARE-SMART aims to bring innovation closer to senior citizens by introducing innovative products and services with the active involvement of users and boost the silver economy.

In I-CARE-SMART we bring together the Research & Development sector, Business sector, Health & Social Service Provider sector, the Elderly Community under the coordination of the Local Municipality to start a long-term co-creation and cooperation in order to integrate the identified needs of both the elderly as individuals and the elderly (health & social) service providers as institutes into each phase of the innovation cycle for SMART solution (planning, developing, prototype, validation, marketing and follow-up).

For more detail about the project and the project results visit the I-CARE-SMART website or have a look to our video

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Project Partnership:




 City of Graz, Geriatrich Health Care Centers, Department for Women and Equality

 NOWA Training Counselling Project management


Czech Republic  



Social Services Prague 9

SPEKTRA, manufacturing cooperative





 Lodzkie Region

Medical University of Lodz





European Grouping of Territorial Cooperatio Via Carpatia

 Technical University of Kosice




 Victoria University 




Municipality of Újbuda (Budapest, 11th district)

 Budapest University of Technology and Economics





Liguria Region
